Let come back to the main thing : My second pub crawl!!! wowow!!! I'm super excited about that cause its an invitation from Breda!!! Although others think what's a big deal but her invitation do mean a lot to me that finally I dun need to ask other permission to go for party and get invited!!! A lot of other of my batchmates also going!!! i think everyone is as stress as me regarding their assignment writing up!!! So, I'm definately going to have funzzzz...
We first took a tube to Hillhead to head off to Nude to meet Breda they all!! I was telling Joanne in the tube that this is the first time I'm taking a tube to clubbing and not by car. It's a fresh experience to me... hehehe... dressed up with full make-up on and sitting in a tube.... kinda new to me... Then, we chilled at Nude before we head off to Viper!!! Here is some pics from Phuey Fern's camera..
Hahaha.... both of us r super poser....

I have no idea wwho's hand is that n what is it aiming at....
After we had a double shot of Tequila + double shot of Whisky + single shot of Sambuka + a glass of Cosmopolitan!!!
Sound like we drink a lot but still below our limit yet!!! so what's next??? Next is let move our ass to Viper!!! yup, we took a taxi there and i think people who know me well will know that i'll keep drinking to make myself high. I know its my problem here, I must drink till a bit tipsy then I can have funzzz... so in the club I drank another:---
one double shot of Tequila + 2 double shot of Vodka + a double shot of Whisky.......
Then....... Oppzzz.. I did it again!!! (what did I do in da club, I'm not going to tell u here, but ppl who knew who I am, kinda can guess what had happened...)
But, anyway I just want to thanks ppl who took care of me that night!! I know its kinda shock and I really dun feel like letting my batchmates see me when I'm drunk... but things had happened.. Than ks for taking care of me and i did enjoy myself that night very much!!!
P.S. Just would like to put a shoutout that ppl who dun know me can u pls shut ur F*cking mouth up and stop judging me cause its super annoying... I'm proud of myself and happy bt what I did. :+P